Friday, September 11, 2020


 Today we will learn about babel. what babel is and its work.

As any language, Javascript also has versions named ECMAScript (short for ES). Currently, most browsers support ES5. ES5 used to be good even though it was painful to code in it. Remember, this not reading from inside callback functions? The new version of Javascript, ES6, also known as ES2015 (specs of the language were finalized in June 2015) makes Javascript great again. If you want to learn about ES6, check out the links at the end of this article. All the great features of ES6 come with one big problem — majority of browsers do not fully support them. That’s when Babel comes to play. Babel is a JS transpiler that converts new JS code into old ones. It is a very flexible tool in terms of transpiling. One can easily add presets such as es2015, es2016, es2017, or env; so that Babel compiles them to ES5.

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