We have hear many time about props and state. Let's see much more about them.
Props vs State
- Props get passed to the component whereas state managed within the component.
- Props can be passed as function parameter.State is a variable declared in the class component.
- There is no state in functional component. Functional component have props.You can use state in function component through hooks.
- Props are immutable[handle by parent cannot changed by children]. Whereas state can be changes[it managed inside the component so, component have right to change them].
- In class state can be accessible as {this.state.key}. Whereas in function component need to use useState hook to use state.
- In functional component props can be access as {props.key}. Whereas, in class component props is access as {this.props.key}.
- You can use setState method to modify state in class. And useState hook in functional component to modify and set state.
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